Virtual Youth Service Day
We were very sad to have to cancel this year's Youth Service Day (some may say it's the Best Day of the Year!), so we decided to create a virtual version!
Join us on Saturday, May 23rd for an all day virtual event. Pick and choose which parts of the program you attend or join us for the whole thing!
** If you missed out on the activities, we have some links below that will help you enjoy some of them now!
9:15 Am
Log On/ Welcome - Check in so that we know you are ready to go and so we can get started right at 9:30 with yoga!
9:30-10 am
Yoga/ Self-Care - Start the day by taking care of you! You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
Wear comfortable clothes and choose a surface where you can safely and comfortably move, kneel, stand, etc.
Click here to view the yoga recording.
10-11:30 am
Cards/ Letters - We will create/ write cards and letters for people to help make their day better - focuses will be on health care, essential workers, teachers, nursing homes, and others in need, but you can write a letter or make a card for anyone that you think would appreciate receiving one!
All you need is some paper and some sort of drawing/ writing implement (pencil, pen, crayons, markers, etc). Feel free to get more creative with other things you may have around your house like stickers, paint, stencils, ribbon, tape, or other materials!
Happiness Kits* - We will put together kits to help brighten people's day. These kits can go to people receiving food boxes, essential workers, nursing homes, or others!
*This activity will have specific items needed to complete the activity that will be available to be picked up at Watauga High School at designated dates/ times. If you are unable to pick them up, we can figure out how to get them to you. If you are unable to pick up these materials, you can still do the cards/ letter writing during this time.
Instructions to Make Your Own Happiness Kits:
The idea of these Happiness Kits is to help brighten someone’s day and to spread happiness with fun items. You can make your own happiness kits with anything that you think could serve this purpose.
Our happiness kits for YSD 2020 included: Play-Doh, crayons, coloring pages, candy, friendship bracelets and friendship bracelet string for people to make their own bracelets, and what we called “Happiness Booklets”.
If you want to make your own kits to share with people (or to have for a “rainy” day for yourself), this is by no means exhaustive. You can add or substitute any items that you want!
Friendship Bracelets - This link does a good job of explaining the basics of how to create a friendship bracelet. There are A LOT of different ways to make friendship bracelets, but this is a good starting point. Feel free to get creative!
Happiness Booklets - You can divide sheets of paper into quarters and then attach them with friendship bracelet string, staples, etc - the idea is that you would draw pictures, write poems, write messages of hope, etc, something to brighten people's day if they are looking at it.
11:30 am - 12 pm
Lunch Break - Grab some lunch and either eat it on your own or join us on the Zoom call.
Make sure to eat something to replenish your energy for the afternoons events!
12-1:30 pm
Creating PPE for Health Care Workers* - We have a contact who has been teaching people how to make face shields for people to use in the health care industry. We are working on finding places to distribute these items.
*This activity will have specific items needed to complete the activity that will be available to be picked up at Watauga High School at designated dates/ times. If you are unable to pick them up, we can figure out how to get them to you. Supplies will be limited, so make sure to let us know ASAP if you would like to participate in this activity.
If you sign up after we have run out of materials, you are still welcome to join the session to learn how to make these on your own and are welcome to write letters/ create cards while in this session.
This video explains how to make the PPE (Face Shields). Reach out to us if you need help finding a place to send your finished products.
This video explains how to make “no sew” t-shirt masks.
2-3:30 pm
Trail/ Neighborhood/ Stream Clean-up - Like we did during Spring Break, we are encouraging you to go out and clean up an area near you! If you want some extra time, you can use the "choose your own activity" block to extend this session and get more done!
Make sure to wear gloves when picking up trash and use caution if you are on the side of a road or near a stream.
You can do this activity on your own at any time! This is great family activity and even one you could do while socially distancing with others!
4-5:30 pm
Choose Your Own Activity - You can choose to do one of the above activities again (or for the first time if you couldn't make the first session time), we'll have a few other options, and/ or work on something else while in the video chat with everyone!
You will need to provide your own materials for this activity based on what option you choose.
6 pm - TBD
Dinner Party/ Celebration - We usually like to finish off Youth Service Day with a fun after party including food, music, and games, so we thought it would be fitting to end this Virtual Youth Service Day with a bring your own dinner hangout.
Bring your own dinner/ dessert to enjoy while we reflect on and celebrate our day of service!