Ways to Give
Investing in teens is investing in the future of our community.
Your donation will support provide transformative experiences and support available to ALL Watauga and Avery County Teenagers.
Online Donations
Click below to donate via Paypal, credit card or ACH. Please consider a recurring monthly donation. Monthly donations are incredibly valuable for ensuring stability in a climate where non-profit funding can fluctuate drastically. We cherish every donation, no matter the amount! You can designate your donation to be used in several ways including or Avery County, Watauga County, or our permanent endowment funds.
Contribute to our Permanent Endowment
We are proud to have 2 permanent endowment funds with the North Carolina Community Foundation, one for each county we serve in. To contribute to our endowment funds, you can: 1) Click the blue donate button and you will have an option to designate your donation to go our endowment OR 2) Click on of the links below to donate directly through the NC Community Foundation.
CLICK HERE to donate to our Watauga County Endowment Fund
CLICK HERE to donate to our Avery County Endowment Fund
Buy a needed Item
Want to give Mountain Alliance a physical gift to help our mission? From trail mix to outdoor gear to gas gift cards, it take a lot of resources to keep Mountain Alliance buses rolling and full of teens. We always needs gas cards, grocery store or Walmart gift certificates. You can also check out the below wish list of needed items through Amazon.
Silent Auction Items
We host an incredible auction every year at the Blowing Rock Winterfest! Donating an item, good or service of any size is a great way to support us? It can also be a great way to promote your business. The auction is heavily visited, and donors can display and distribute flyers with their item. Some examples of needed items are below, Please contact Director@MountainAlliance.org to make an in kind donation of Auction items.
Sample AUction Items
Gift certificates for restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions or special events
Crafts, jewelry or art
Stays at beach house, mountain cabins, Airbnb locations, etc.
Personal services such as attorney council sessions, massages, etc.
Shop on Amazon Smile
We firmly believe that shopping in our local community is far better than shopping online….but, if you do end up shopping on Amazon, please select Mountain Alliance on Amazon Smile and they send us a small percentage of every purchase you make. This is a super easy way to support Mountain Alliance at no cost to you! Click here for more info.
Buy a Threadbound Hat
We are so fortunate to be surrounded by giving organizations! ThreadBound is the hat brand that gives back. For each purchase of a ThreadBound hat from The Flying Kiwi Outdoors, they donate 1% of the proceeds to a partner organization. Wear what you love and give back in the process! ThreadBound Outdoor Apparel is donating 1% of all sales of their Camping and Climbing Hat Designs towards Mountain Alliance.
Click here to check out the style and color options for these hats!
Buy a Dining Guide
The Mountain Alliance dining guide is a Buy One, Get One coupon book that features dozens of local restaurants. Get great deals on amazing food, support local businesses, and provide incredible opportunities for teens!
Other Ways to Give
Please contact us for other ways to give. We can support: Planned giving through wills and bequests, Donations of stock, IRA Distributions, and donations of vehicles or physical property. Want to support in a different way? Have special skills or community connections that you want to share? Interested in volunteering behind the scenes like on an event committee? Please contact Director@MountainAlliance.org.