Scroll down for calendar.
We’ve got some ideas for you! These activities are designed for you to do on your own, with your family, or while social distancing with others. If you would like some structure, you can do activities on their assigned days. However, feel free to do them whenever you would like! Our goal was to give you some ideas to spice up your summer.
Let us know which programs you do - we’d love to hear about it and see your photos!
Mindful Mondays - start your week out by calming and focusing your mind
Crafting and Cooking Tuesdays - get creative with fun crafts and recipes
Workout Wednesdays - get your body moving, go outside, be active
Thoughtful Thursdays - do service, be kind, activate your mind
Free Fridays - join us for a lunch hangout, do activities you missed during the week, anything you want!
Lunch Hangouts every Friday - password required. Text (828) 263-1770 or email to receive the password. No registration required.
Live Streams - there are a few events that seemed interesting that we have added in
Anything listed with a time other than 12am is a live stream or event that is time sensitive.
You can also check out An Appalachian Summer Festival Online. There are a ton of FREE programs ranging from gallery exhibits to live concerts. There is a GREAT selection! These events are not specifically listed on this calendar, so go to the link to see everything they’ve got going on - there is something different every day.